The Basics of Pain-Free Running

The Basics of Pain-Free Running
We’re coming up on the new year and that means everyone starts making lists with their New Year's resolutions. One of the most common New Year's resolutions is getting fit. Why wait until the new year? Start your life on a healthier journey today!
Before you race out and get a gym membership so you can glue yourself to the treadmill for an hour every single day, there are a few things you need to know about the basics of running - without pain. Don’t be so gung-ho about becoming an avid runner that you cause yourself to hate the activity. Start with walking!
Slow and Steady Wins the Race
There are so many health benefits to fast walking, so don’t think that you’re selling yourself short. Taking off on a 4-miler that almost kills you and hurts every joint in your body isn’t a way to start your fitness journey. Start a run/walk program with short intervals of running interspersed with walking. There are a number of programs out there that can teach you how to build up to running a 5k within 12 weeks.
Rest and Recover
Running is a high-intensity workout. It needs to be combined with periods of recovery to ensure the greatest gains. Your body actually gets stronger during these times of rest and without them, your muscles can break down and open the door to injury. Plan a day or two off each week (maybe more at the beginning), get plenty of sleep. If you're feeling extra tired or just burnt out, take an extra day to give your body time to recover. This is especially important if you’re feeling a little off. Don’t underestimate a twinge and try to run through your issues. Your body is adjusting to this new activity and you don’t want an injury to set you back weeks.
Replenish Your Nutrients
Your body also needs proper nutrition in order to operate on a healthy fitness journey. Working out is great for your body and your brain, but it depletes the body of essential nutrients that you need to be able to recover. Nutrition is a combination of drinking enough water, eating the rainbow, and taking supplements. We offer an incredible dietary supplement called joint complex. It works within your body to improve your joint and bone health, improve joint flexibility, and reduce joint / cartilage degeneration. You can take our Joint Complex alongside our Turmeric with Bioperine.
Turmeric with Bioperine
There are substantial benefits to Turmeric with Bioperine when it comes to working out. A few of the health advantages, specifically when it comes to starting a fitness journey, are the anti-inflammatory properties and the fact that Turmeric with Bioperine promotes joint health. Why do you need a supplement that has combined turmeric with bioperine? Turmeric is a spice within the ginger family that contains curcumin. Without bioperine, aka black pepper, curcumin has a rapid elimination, poor absorption, and rapid metabolism. Our supplements have combined Turmeric with Bioperine to optimize the benefits that are available from curcumin.
Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate
Everything in your body needs water. Drinking water plays a big part in successful absorption of dietary supplements, so don’t skimp on your water intake! You take supplements to replenish your body, promote muscle regeneration, and prevent injury, so don’t waste their benefits by being dehydrated.
Proper Apparel
And before you start any part of this running journey, get yourself a good pair of shoes. Head to a running store to be fitted. Many stores allow you to run a little and later exchange if it wasn’t a good fit. Sometimes the shoe you run or workout in isn’t as important as the insole inside. If you can’t find a shoe that you love, try grabbing a pair of insoles and see if they help take the pressure off of your knees. It might be that you need assistance to readjust your gate.
Now that you have the basic knowledge of hitting the pavement, are you going to head out on a walk today? We can’t wait to hear how you’re feeling over the next few months! Don’t forget to grab your supplements from Energi Nut - they’re specifically formulated for faster absorption!